Well hi ho, it's Week 7. Fred's still asleep and Robin has gone to work. Guess it's finally time to launch this thing.
Continuing in our dog mode, the speckled hound on the left is Prof. Penny Pup, Professor emerita of Biology. She has taken her Social Security and TIAA/CREF and is now enjoying herself as Chief Barker in Residence on the Old Highway in Islamorada
Biology 1- We will be doing the Lecture on Molecular genetics and inborn errors of metabolism this week.
In lab I will be collecting your microscopy and pH laboratories and each of you will have a chance to present your pH data to the class
A and P 1- We will have the laboratory practical on tissues and will start the skeletal system lecture and laboratory series
A and P 2-We will do the brain dissection laboratory (finally) and we will start the lab series on the senses.
Microbiology-This will primarily be a lab week. We will do morphologic stains, gram stains and spore stains and If we have time we will do capsular staining
1 comment:
Results for pH lab:
Filtered tap water- 6.0
Tap Water-5.5
Bottled Crystal Geyser Natural Alpine Spring water- 7.0
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