A and P I
This week and for the next three weeks we will be focusing on tissue structure and recognizing the various tissues of the human body from microscope slides. This unit will end in a lab practical exam no sooner than week VII. The Histology lab practical will be held in class and consist of me projecting tissue slides and you identifying the tissue type bein projected.
Prior to this time, you will be responsible for reading Chapters 4 and 5 in you text and completing lab exercises 1-5 for me to examine at the time of the lab practical
A and P II
This week Y'all will be covering chapter 11-13 and my lecture will be on brain development and the anatomy and function of the adult human brain. I will carry this theme over into the laboratory with slides and discussion on brain structure and function.
This week we will be working on bacterial structure and staining and morphological recognition of a variety of different bacterial cell shapes. We will learn how to prepare dry mounts of bacteria, stain them and find the bacteria using the oil immersion lens of your microscope.
Biology 1
We will be doing a preliminary examination in class of your pH data and start to plot this on a map of the Keys. In lecture we will be examining heredity at the level of chromosomes (cytogenetics) as well as observing human diseases caused by chromosomal abnormalities.
If you have any questions: my phone is 305-304-5674 my e-mail address is drcshaffer@gmail.com
Have a good week and don't forget to come back to this post for Week VI
1 comment:
Ryan Hinckley
Biology I
Hey Professor Shaffer here are my test results...
Test spot description: Mile marker 89.5 at dock behind Conch-on-Inn on the Bayside,I tested the water just under the surface and the ph level was 7.8
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